Configuring the Webpage Counter
Here is the format for calling the counter:
<img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?dd=G|df=test.dat|pad=0|frgb=255;0;0" align=absmiddle>
And what it looks like:
- dd=G is the font, there are many fonts (see below).
    You can change G to any of the letters listed below (use CAPS)
- df=myname.dat is the datafile where the counter number will be held.
    Please use a unique datafile name, such as your login name.
- pad=n tells it not to leave extras zeros (use y, n, 1, or 0).
md=4 tells how much padding if pad=y or 1 (use 5-10).
- ft=x is for frame thickness (0 for no frame).
frgb=x;x;x specifies a color for the frame (Red Green Blue).
- st=777 start the counter with that number.
- rotate=y rotates the counter, then use
to specify how to rotate, only 90, 180, and 270 are available.
For instance, here's a rather strange one:
<img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?dd=P|df=test.dat|pad=y|md=8|ft=10|
frgb=100;255;0|rotate=y|degrees=180|st=124838232" align=absmiddle>
And what it looks like:
Here is a list of available counter digits.
A: LCD type
B: odometer type
C: modern sort of number font
D: small LCD
E: small computer style font
F: wood letter blocks
G: little planets with digits
H: techno, numbers on black spheres
I: large gold pattern shadowed letters
J: Childrens blocks, very cute
K: Chinese character set
L: fancy Chinese character set
M: digital clock
N: hand writing
O: modern looking
P: color letters
Q: acrobats
R: lavalamp
S: iron
T: football scoreboard
U: lottery balls
V: odometer, black
W: odometer, white
X: chinese
Y: reflection
a: Another speedometer
The official web site for this counter is at